Tuesday 29 November 2011

magazine front cover sample 2

This is my second initial idea. The idea came from teenagers. in our generation today teenager's are often being judged and stereotyped because of another teenagers or person's mistake.This magazine is used to build up teenagers confidence in college and out of college, including their career's. The main image is spread across the whole magazine, it is of a female teenage student posing with a microphone in her hand, she is also pointing at the 'c'  in the masthead. this is a way to put a point across that all teenagers have a chance to pursue their career all they need is confidence. Likewise the 'c' in the masthead is slightly lower than the other letters, in doing this i used that 'c' to write confidence, because confidence is the key to success. The cover lines are at both sides of the magazine, whereas the date and selling line is at the right top hand cover of the magazine with a line under it spreading it from the masthead. However the bar code is at the right bottom corner. the mast head is spread across the top of the magazine.

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